Posts with the tag “salvation”

Sunday Devo - August 18, 2024
by Tiffany Schock on August 25th, 2024
our comfort abounds through Christ. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation;  Read More
Sunday Devo - June 23, 2024
by Tiffany Schock on June 23rd, 2024
Even in giving… we receive. The Psalmist poses the question “what shall I give” and responds with “I will take up the cup of salvation”. How incredibly encouraging!  Read More
Sunday Devo - May 12, 2024
by Tiffany Schock on May 12th, 2024
rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.  Read More
Sunday Devo - May 5, 2024
by Tiffany Schock on May 5th, 2024
“I am a Christian”, I stated… “I can bargain with you, but I can’t cheat you” ...  Read More
Sunday Devo - April 7, 2024
by Tiffany Schock on April 7th, 2024
He [God] does promise to be with us and guide us every step of the way Praise be to the Lord,  Read More
Resurrection Sunday Devotional - March 31, 2024
by Tiffany Schock on March 31st, 2024
your fear (of man, etc.) can be transformed into faith. And, God can use such faith and His Holy Spirit to give you the courage to profess Jesus Christ to a world that desperately needs Him.  Read More
Sunday Devo -February 25, 2024
by Tiffany Schock on March 2nd, 2024
All good things come from God our Father. All good material, physical, and spiritual things, come from God. Sometimes we just don’t look at things correctly...   Read More
Sunday Devo - January 28, 2024
by Tiffany Schock on January 28th, 2024
Thank God for the cross & the hope that it provides beyond the grave  Read More
Sunday Devo - January 21, 2024
by Tiffany Schock on January 21st, 2024
This is a reminder that God will look after His people.  Read More
Sunday Devo - January 14, 2024
by Tiffany Schock on January 14th, 2024
Real, true, and pure freedom is only provided by Christ. Christ has provided a salvation from sin and death.  Read More
Sunday Devo - December 31, 2023
by Tiffany Schock on December 31st, 2023
Praise God for Jesus the Savior of our souls. Happy New Year family. I love you all,  Read More
Sunday Devo - December 24, 2023
by Tiffany Schock on December 24th, 2023
God allowed His Son to be born as a human and to ultimately die on the cross (for our our sins). In short, it was a sacrificial act of love...  Read More
Sunday Devo - December 17, 2023
by Tiffany Schock on December 17th, 2023
Psalm 62:1-2 “Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved”  Read More
Sunday Devo - November 26, 2023
by Tiffany Schock on November 26th, 2023
Let us thank God this thanksgiving season for His free gift of Salvation and eternal life to come.  Read More
Sunday Devo - September 17, 2023
by Tiffany Schock on September 17th, 2023
when we confessed our sins and put our trust in God, we discovered true contentment (Psalm 34:8).  Read More
Sunday Devo - August 27, 2023
by Tiffany Schock on September 3rd, 2023
the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ...  Read More
Sunday Devo - August 13, 2023
by Tiffany Schock on August 13th, 2023
2 Cor. 4:18... "For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal."  Read More
Sunday Devo - August 6, 2023
by Tiffany Schock on August 6th, 2023
"Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” Psalm 50:15  Read More
Sunday Devo -May 28, 2023
by Tiffany Schock on May 28th, 2023
salvation is a gift, which could not be earned, and that it was through faith, not a result of works (Ephesians 2: 8-10).  Read More




