Sunday Devo - June 23, 2024

What shall I render unto the Lord
 For all His benefits toward me?
 I will take up the cup of salvation, 
And call upon the name of the Lord [Psalm 116: 12-13]

I had a friend from college who put these verses to music, and sang them as a beautiful song.  He mentioned that they were right out of the Psalms.  To make them fit a hymn format, while maintaining the intent, it was:  â€œWhat shall I give unto the Lord… for all.. for all.. for all He’s done for me?   I’ll take the cup of salvation… and call…and call.. and call upon the name of the Lord”  

And when we think about the words, we can be struck by how incredible the Gospel message is- what can we give unto the Lord?  Yes, Romans 12 mentions that we are to …present our bodies, a living sacrifice,  holy, acceptable unto God, which is [our] reasonable service.  But this verse illustrates how lopsided our relationship with God is.

Even in giving… we receive.  The Psalmist poses the question “what shall I give” and responds with “I will take up the cup of salvation”.   How incredibly encouraging!

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