Sunday Devo - August 11, 2024

As we head into these next few months leading up to Election Day in November, let’s be mindful to have an eternal perspective.  I need to remind myself first… to not get too caught up in this very tumultuous and divisive political environment.  There is a lot of mud-slinging and sweeping generalizations being made by folks on either side of the political aisle.  Hopefully our heart is in the right place, but lets strive to not be condescending and derisive when interacting with folks who may have views differing from our own.  

Again, I speak to myself, first.  I am in need of temperance, that last (but not least)  fruit of the Spirit, which could be seen as self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).  Regardless of political affiliation, let’s see folks for who they are: people, created in God’s image, who God treasures- and wishes to draw to Himself.  

Someone shared with me several election cycles ago, a reminder and truth about  God’s sovereign nature, and one that should bring us tremendous comfort in times like these:  God is on the throne, and He is not up, for re-election! What comfort that can bring  us, as we strive to have an eternal and spiritual perspective, rather than a temporary one.   As Romans 8:6 teaches us:  “…. to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”      -Roy

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